Virtual trainings will be held on the Zoom Platform.
You must be registered in order to receive a certificate for trainings.
The webinar Zoom link will be in the confirmation email received immediately after registering for trainings from GaPDS.
Please ensure that the GaPDS has your current email address on file. Please keep this email as it is the only time you will receive the training link.
You are encouraged to test the link early to ensure your access to Zoom.
Handouts used in the training will be included as document links in your confirmation and reminder emails.
Please print, if possible, and have accessible for the session.
Participants must be able to view the visual presentation in order to take the training.
Participants are required to be alert and engaged during the entirety of the training in order to receive a certificate.
This includes engaging via verbal or chat box responses and participating in breakout rooms.
While we do not mandate the use of cameras, we encourage it for the most beneficial collaboration.
Please note that use of your camera during the training allows others to see what is happening in the background, therefore, please remember to dress accordingly.​
Please use your own device. Sharing of electronic devices is discouraged as it impedes your ability to fully participate in the training, including breakout rooms.
Attendance will be taken by entering your name, PDS number, and the legal name of your program in the chat box at the beginning and end of the training.
A certificate will not be distributed to a participant who does not attend the full session of a training or does not meet attendance requirements.
As a guideline, participants who miss 15 minutes or more of a 2-hour training session may be denied a certificate; the same is true for missing more than 5 minutes of a 1-hour training.
Trainers may also deny certificates to participants who do not complete required assignments or activities or who are not registered for the training.
The session will be cancelled by the facilitator if 10 participants are not registered 48 hours before the session.
Participants who need to cancel registration are asked to do so at least 24 hours prior to the training session.
Child Care Services (DECAL) Updates (July 2024):
Staff:Child Ratios & Supervision 591-1-1-.32(7) (Indicator Manual updates on page 316)
Clarifying information was added indicating that staff are not to use smart devices (e.g., tablets, ear buds, head phones, cell phones, smart watches, etc.) while supervising children.
Clarify that staff cannot attend trainings while supervising children.
Scroll through the calendar to see all the training dates for the month selected.
Click on the TITLE of the training you are interested in to see a full description and for the registration link.
Please visit Georgia Professional Development System (GaPDS) for additional training information/opportunities.